Monday, 7 September 2015

The runner formerly known as HomoCurrens

I have been blogging for a few months about me and the run. Running has always been a key component in my life, since I was a teenager. Even when I tried to ignore it, and go to gym/swimming/football, I would come back to running, like an unfaithful man who cheats on his wife only to realise that the other women are no match. I think I just miss the regular rhytm of my steps, against a panting background.

So far I have been writing in Italian, just because it is the most beautiful language in the world, and also I happen to be Italian. But from now on, I will switch to English. I have spent the last 10 years in Anglo-saxon countries, right now I'm living in Western Australia. I hope writing in English will bring me closer to the world-wide running community.