Thursday, 24 December 2015

Santa Cop is coming for you

24th of December, Christmas in the air.

Everyone is happy, busy shopping for last-minute gifts, smiling and wishing a Merry Christmas to each other.

This morning, I go to the post office to send a belated present to a friend. I decide to take the bike, for it's a beautiful sunny day, and everyone is out in the car - so parking would be a massive headache.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Why I left Facebook

It's been two months since I closed my Facebook account.

I'd been feeling increasingly unwell on FB. I couldn't stand how much time I spent on it (loads!) and for what gain (zero!). I couldn't stand people's narcissism. Most of all, I couldn't stand the feeling, after having 'checked' FB, of having my neurons covered in some kind of sticky molasses. I was just cranky all the time.

I decided to close the account after careful consideration. Which was funny, because the more I kept asking myself 'What am I going to lose?', and the less I could think of anything.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

The W-word

Most of the things we like to do, take time. I'd like to run faster. I'd like to write a lot. I'd like to learn Portuguese. And how to play the guitar. This stuff takes practice, and practice takes time.

And time is such a precious thing. I did not realise that until I turned 28, and left Italy. There are so many things to do out there, and yet we end up repeating that we "have to" work, and trying new thing looks like an impossible task.

I wish I could do it, but I don't have time for it - who has not said this at least once in life?

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Peer-review my ass

Warning: Contains rants.

One of the fundamental goals, or rather THE fundamental goal, for an academic is to get published on peer-reviewed journals. "Publish or perish", they call it.

"Peer-reviewed" basically means that, in order to get published, your paper gets reviewed by 'peers', i.e. other academics who work in your same field and who, therefore, are deemed competent judges of the quality of your work. It is a quite controversial system (read this), to say the least, but it seems to be the only one that can guarantee "academic quality", i.e. that only valuable stuff gets published.